Where Divine Destiny Meets Devoted Paths | Blog

#DivineDestinyDevotedPaths | by Hannah Rico Fletcher

Where Divine Destiny Meets Devoted Paths | Introduction

Each of us has a divine destiny. Before we were born, God had our days numbered, good works set out before us to accomplish and a plan to give us a future and a hope.

To His glory and by His grace, we have been uniquely created and fully equipped to carry out His purposes with excellence. This ‘life to the full’ is offered freely and is the key to an overflowing ministry lifestyle, but God will not force His divine destiny on us.

Your response to these biblical truths will largely depend on who you believe God to be. Who is God? Is He someone that we can fall in love with? A deep loving friendship with our Creator is what aligns our devoted paths with our divine destiny. The journey is going to be a process, but I truly believe that the thought of it makes God smile.  To embrace true life in abundance means nothing less than embracing God Himself.

Chapter 1: The Beckon of an Aching Hunger

0.1 The Search for the Purpose of Life | Why are we here?  Is it by chance or without reason?  Do we each have a unique divine destiny? What do we do with the feelings of emptiness that creep in and whisper “Something is missing”?  It was this aching hunger that drove me to something better! #DivineDestinyDevotedPaths | Psalms 139:13-18, Jeremiah 29:11-14a

0.2 My Testimony of God’s Grace | Is God hiding?  What do we have to do to be considered good or successful in this life?  Can God really help?  Here I share my story of how God reached me with His love despite my circumstances and attitude.  His power restored & redeemed.  The first gift I ever gave Jesus for His birthday.  True life & freedom – my devoted path. #DivineDestinyDevotedPaths | Isaiah 35:1, 3-7, Psalm 18:4-17, Isaiah 61:1, Hebrews 4:12, Psalm 51:1-2, 10-11, 16-17

0.3 Embark on the Destiny Journey | Are we alone?  What does God think about us?  Who is God?  Does God just want us to be good? What do I have to do to go to heaven?  I realized that God welcomed me with a smile and I have never been the same.  Still, complete freedom from deep-rooted misconceptions about God is a process. Settle for nothing less than Life abundant. #DivineDestinyDevotedPaths | Psalm 34:8, John 17:3, Romans 12:2, John 10:10, Revelation 22:17

0.4 Spiritual Overflow |  What about everything I am lacking?  Am I good enough?  What are the benefits of rejoicing and being thankful? Is it really better to Give than Receive?  Could you use super human energy?  What would you do with it? A Grateful Heart is a lifestyle choice that results in Spiritual Overflow |
Romans 1:20-21, Philippians 4:4-9, Malachi 3:10, Nehemiah 8: 10, Ephesians 2:10, Galatians 5:22-23

0.5 Masterpiece in Progress I’m a masterpiece in progress!  If the word masterpiece was meant to describe my physical appearance, accomplishments and deeds, I would continue to be faced with my shortcomings.  Like a potter, God sees my potential and His handiwork as awe-inspiring and supernatural.  I am a work in progress.  The artistry and elegance was a testimony to the existence of a masterful Creator. | Ephesians 2:10, Isaiah 64:8

1.1 Life Is All About Perspective | Does God Care? Which events, troubles and successes would make the cut if God were to tell your story? What If the Bible is Right? | Psalms 8:3-4, Romans 5:6-8, Psalm 139:17-18, Matthew 10:29-31, Psalms 56:8, John 15:13-16

1.2 An Overflow Lifestyle Set Ablaze | Now this is living! I started to recognize my longing for purpose as God’s voice.  God’s intention is LOVE! Completely reliant, willing to receive, completely messy, solid foundation, limitless, a little out of control… Are you in? | Luke 6:47-48, Ephesians 2:10, Galatians 5:22b-23

1.3 An Encounter with the Majestic | Personal Experience.  There is no substitute for the richness that personal experience offers when it comes to living life to the full.  That goes for bridge jumping and encountering the majesty of God!  All you have to do is let go and step out in faith. Gravity will do the rest. | Jeramiah 29:11-14a

1.4 Wonderfully Made | Psalms 139 | Where Divine Destiny Meets Devoted Paths We are wonderfully made by an ever-present God. Psalms 139 | Soaking in An Eternal Identity | Divine Awakening and Purpose | Surrender Removes Obstacles | Psalms 139, Psalms 139:14

Chapter 2: Embrace Life to the Full

2.1 Why don’t we Praise God more? Is this a questions of God’s worthiness, or is it a question of our perspective & focus?  Yes and Yes!  I have found the strongest motivator to our praise of God is our understanding of who He is and our personal experience of His love. | 1 Corinthians 13:7; Ezekiel 1:25-28; Colossians 1:17; Psalm 8:4-8; Ephesians 2:10; Isaiah 45:23, Romans 14:11; Galatians 5:1; Psalms 33:13-15,22

2.2 Five Star Spirituality |  What would it look like to check-in to and remain in a Five Star Spirituality?  Is there anything that happens by chance or is it all perfectly calculated?  How do we access and enjoy treasures from the throne room of heaven?  Where Divine Destiny Meets Devoted Paths | Mark 6:31; Exodus 33:14Hebrews 4:3Romans 14:17

Chapter 3: The Unique Path Defined By Spiritual Gifts

3.1 Destiny Assessment Introduction

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3. Spiritual Gifts 

3 Spiritual Gift Administrator Governments
3 Spiritual Gift Apostle
3 Spiritual Gift Discernment
3 Spiritual Gift Mercy
3 Spiritual Gift Encourager
3 Spiritual Gift Evangelist
3 Spiritual Gift Faith
3 Spiritual Gift Giver Giving
3 Spiritual Gift Intercessor
3 Spiritual Gift Knowledge
3 Spiritual Gift Leader Leadership
3 Spiritual Gift Pastor Shepherd
3 Spiritual Gift Prophet
3 Spiritual Gift Service Helps
3 Spiritual Gift Teacher Teaching
3 Spiritual Gift Wisdom

Chapter 4: A Holistic Approach to Wholeness

3.2 Are you interested in living your destiny out this year? Do you love diving deep into learning about who God has creatively crafted you to be and how He’s specifically designed you to play a vital role in the world He’s placed you in?

f so, we’d love to dive in with you! Brainstorm your personal strategy to live out your destiny this year!

Chapter 5: An Overflow Lifestyle

Other Spiritual Gift Service Ideas

Get Connected | Join the Community: #DivineDestinyDevotedPaths

I am writing this Divine Destiny Blog, because I am passionate about who God is and His unique plan for each of our lives.  I am excited to journey with you as we both grow and enjoy the overflow of God’s love.  Get Connected through Facebook or add #DivineDestinyDevotedPaths to your own journey post on social media or in the comments below.  May the God of the universe bless you as you are a blessing to others.

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