Where Divine Destiny Meets Devoted Paths

Divine destiny?  What is the purpose to life?

Each of us has a divine destiny. Before we were born God had our days numbered (Ps 139), Good works set out before us (Eph. 2:10) and a plan to give us a hope and future (Jer. 29:11).
To His glory and by His grace, we have been uniquely created and fully equipped to carry out His purposes with excellence. This life to the full (Jn. 10:10) is offered freely and is the keys to an overflowing ministry lifestyle but God will not force his divine destiny on us.

Devoted Paths? Aligning ourselves with God!

Your response to these biblical truths will largely depend on who you believe God to be. Who is God? Is he someone that we can fall in love with? A deep loving friendship with our creator is what aligns our devoted paths with our divine destiny. The journey is going to be a process but I truly think the thought of it makes God smile.
Embrace Life = Embracing God, Hannah Rico Fletcher

Spiritual Gift Wisdom Service

Spiritual Gift Wisdom

Spiritual Gift Wisdom The Greek work used for the spiritual gift of wisdom is “Sophia” G4678 or “Sophos” G4680. Definition and Purpose of the Wisdom Gift The special ability that God gives to certain members of the body of Christ to know the mind of the Holy Spirit and to receive insight into how to best […]

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spiritual gift prophet prophecy

Spiritual Gift Prophet

Spiritual Gift Prophet The Greek word for the Spiritual Gift Prophet is “prophēteia” G4394. Definition and Purpose of the Prophet Gift The spiritual gift prophet is the special ability God gives to receive and communicate God’s message to the people (both prepared and spontaneous sermons, messages or words). Groups need someone with this gift to give insight,

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Spiritual Gift Mercy Support Clluster

Spiritual Gift Mercy

Spiritual Gift Mercy The Greek word for the spiritual gift of mercy is “eleeō” G1653. Definition and Purpose of the Mercy Gift The spiritual gift of mercy is the special ability God gives to cheerfully and practically help those who are suffering (physically, mentally, or emotionally) by putting compassion into action. Groups need someone with this

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Spiritual Gift Leader Leadership Service Ideas

Spiritual Gift Leader | Leadership

Spiritual Gift Leader | Leadership The Greek word for the Spiritual Gift Leader is “prothymōs”  G4291. Definition and Purpose of the Leader | Leadership Gift The Spiritual Gift of leadership is the special ability God gives certain people to strategize, take responsibility, rule, protect, guard and guide a others to accomplish the goals and task set out before them.

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Spiritual Gift Knowledge

Spiritual Gift Knowledge

Spiritual Gift Knowledge The Greek word for the Spiritual Gift of Knowledge is “gnōsis” G1108 Definition and Purpose of the Knowledge Gift The spiritual gift of knowledge is the special ability God gives to whereby the Spirit enables certain Christians to understand in an exceptional way the great truths of God’s Word and to make them relevant to

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Spiritual Gift Intercessor

Spiritual Gift Intercessor

Spiritual Gift Intercessor The Greek word for the Spiritual Gift Intersession is “enteuxis” G1783 or “proseuchomai” G4336. Definition and Purpose of the Intersession Gift The Spiritual gift of Intercessor is the special ability God gives to use prayer with confidence and power to intervene on behalf of an individual or group. Groups need someone with

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