This worksheet has been designed to help you process the results of the Divine Destiny Assessment. If you have not taken the assessment click here:
8 Steps to Understanding & Processing Your Gifts & Calling
Step 1: Read the description at the top of you results sheet and underline the parts that best describe you.
This description is designed to help you to celebrate the unique characteristics that God has given you. You are just that, unique. With this being the case, you may notice that some parts of it stands out more than the rest. Keep the underlines parts in mind as you continue this worksheet.
Step 2. Find your Gift-Cluster Weight by looking at the percentages associated with each of the four quadrants on your Assessment Chart. The four Gift-Cluster categories are Guidance, Navigation, Communication and Support.
Fill in your highest and lowest weighted Gift-Cluster Categories here:
Highest %: ___________________________________ Lowest %: ___________________________________
(Tie breaker: Find the highest and lowest individual weight in the calculations column on the top left side of your assessment result sheet. Mark the cluster with the highest overall % the HIGH and the lowest overall % the LOW.)
Step 3. Fill in your preferences in the chart below (see the bottom of your Assessment Chart). Draw a X on the scale below to show your preference.
These will help to highlight the areas that you will feel most free to be yourself, your preferred environment, and where you will have the most insightful input. If you scored between 45-55% you are a bridge in the associated area. This means that you have a special gift to easily function in both. Your preference for one or the other would likely depending on the situation and needs of the group.
Spiritual Gifts
Step 4. Rank your gifts, according to the associated percentages listed under them. If a tie occurs, give the tying gifts the same ranking number and continue numbering. The charted spiritual gifts are Leader, Apostle, Wisdom, Pastor, Encourager, Faith, Evangelist, Teacher, Administrator, Prophet, Knowledge, Discernment, Service, Giver, Intercessor and Mercy.
Step 5. Take some time to study your highest and lowest ranked gifts. You may find it is helpful to define them in your own words.
See the Ocean’s Edge definitions on for study help and hints.
Step 6. Identify your areas of victory and Vulnerability.
See the bottom of your Assessment Chart and make sure you have an understanding of the gifts listed in your areas of victory and vulnerability.
Your areas of victory
Your areas of victory are found when your highly-ranked gifts are coupled with the gifts in the polar opposite gift-cluster. These are the areas where God is currently shining in and through you supernaturally.
(For example: Leadership coupled with Mercy; Mercy coupled with Wisdom; Discernment coupled with Encouragement; Faith coupled with Knowledge).
Consider how beautiful and supernatural it is when we allow the Holy Spirit develop these areas in us. Take time to celebrate your areas of greatest victory and give God glory for the work He has done.
Your areas of vulnerability
Your areas of vulnerability is when your top-rated gifts are silenced or used in excess without love.
Consider some ways you can guard against your top-rated gifts being used negatively.
(For example: The gift would not be an expression of love or Spirit led when it is used in a selfish, harsh, overbearing, reckless manner or when it is enabling sin or dysfunctional behavior.)
Think about how you can target your lowest ranked gifts and make them a skill. The Holy Spirit will use process to guard and temper your strongest gifts.
Personal Brainstorm:
Step 7. Meditate on God’s fingerprint on your life. These are indicators leading to your Divine Destiny. For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do (Ephesians 2:10).
Your Passions
- What energizes you? Don’t be shy! List whatever comes to mind.
- List general or specific issues or needs that stirs your heart.
- List your top-ranked gift cluster, spiritual gifts, and area of greatest victory.
- List any skills or blessings you have that can be passed on to others.
Step 8. Take some time to brainstorm with God. You have been blessed to bless others. Your areas of service should be an overflow from an intimate connection to the source of true life, God. Start your action plan with this as your number one priority. Then brainstorm some ways that you can devote your unique combination of spiritual gifts and passions to God’s service.
- How can I build up the body of Christ, the Church?
- How can I be a light to the world? (Remember you don’t have to go anywhere to do this. Start with your work place, at your or your kids school, in your social groups, in your family, through sports, etc.)
Let us know if you have any questions. We love hearing from you.