Why Don’t We Praise God More?

Why Don’t We Praise God More?

Praise God? For some, the idea of worshiping God brings up questions of His worthiness or even existence. For me this is not the case, God has proven Himself as praiseworthy and deserving of all that I am and all that I have. I have found His love to be freely given, forgiving and patient. I hear Him calling me to holiness with a hopefulness that I will choose life to the full.  I know His intention is to protect me from the consequences that steal, kill and destroy.

I have found that God is also true to His promises, although, sometimes it is not in my timing or how I expected it. With humility and grace, I know He hears my prayers and cares about my struggles.  He is always present with me offering wisdom, companionship and healing. All of this is to say, I can testify to the goodness of a life unconditionally surrendered to Him.

I have found the strongest motivator to praise God is my understanding of His character and my personal experience of His love. Yet, I find myself distracted by the busyness of this world. With my attention directed at so many other things, I quickly feel the loss of intimacy that comes when I am more closely walking hand and hand with God. Still, He “always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres” (1 Corinthians 13:7). 

God’s Rightful Place

Praise God God's Rightful place

The one and true God of the Bible is not manmade or a power that can be harnessed. We see only a reflection of His majesty and glory on the earth, but one day He will make Himself fully known.  The Bible says this experience will bring us all to our knees in reverence, some in fear and others in pure gratitude (Isaiah 45:23, Romans 14:11).  Still, on that day we will all praise God.

He is the all-powerful LORD of Lords with a throne of sapphire, surrounded by a brilliant light (Ezekiel 1:25-28).  From this lofty place, He holds the Stars and Earth in place. With His laws of science, He regulates the earths distance from the sun, gravitational pull and our atmosphere. God allows our hearts to beat, our eyes to see and our lungs to breath deep (Colossians 1:17).

God is also intently involved in our continued existence and everyday lives. When he looks at us, it is with pleasure, favor and care. He sees our heart ache. He laughs at the funny things we do and smiles when we delight in His gifts. We have His attention (Psalm 8:4-8).

My Rightful Place

Praise God Personal Experience

I have been decisively created and ordained for a divine purpose (Eph 2:10). Nevertheless, as God’s beloved, I am free and have the ability to embrace the path He has set out before more or to choose my own path.  With this freewill, I give heart to whom I please. I steward my feelings, will and intellect. My strength will be spent and my worship released as I allow. 

The responsibility to walk in liberty, make the most of my days and intentionally direct my praise to God is my own.  With this being the case, I pray that God’s unfailing love would rest on me, that my eyes would constantly refocus on His goodness, and that nothing would holds me back from falling more in love with Him (Galatians 5:1).

“From heaven the Lord looks down & sees all mankind; from His dwelling place He watches all who live on earth- he who forms the hearts of all who considers everything they do… May your unfailing love rest upon us” Ps 33:13-15, 22

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