What Is Business As Missions
Business is a God-given power and potential for good in the world. Yet too often Christian business people have not been affirmed in their call to be intentional in their professions for the Lord. We want to walk alongside businessmen and women as they get a better understanding of God’s redemptive work through business in the world. We want to help change the message that Christian business people are hearing and mobilise them for action.
What if the untapped business resources in the church globally were released for missional impact? What if more Christian business people were world leaders at tackling global evils through business?
Business As Missions can mean different things. First, it can mean starting a business as a means of gaining access to a country lacking religious freedom. Secondly, “Gospel Funding” can mean starting a business and giving money to any organization or individual that is working to further the Gospel. Although these may be the most common ways to facilitate funding the spread of the Gospel, they are by no means the only ways to support missions.
BAM can simply be defined as profitable and sustainable businesses; intentional about the Kingdom of God purposes and the impact on people and nations; focused on holistic transformation and the multiple bottom lines of economic, social, environmental, and spiritual outcomes; concerned about the world’s poorest and least evangelized peoples
The Marketing Edge Program

We desire to reveal how God can equip and empower every business to build His kingdom on earth. We want to inspire, facilitate, and enable business to be a force for positive change in the world. Helping communities rise out of spiritual, social, environmental, and physical poverty.
Inspiration: BAM leaders have one thing in common, real-world experience. They are the change-makers who are DOING and they share both their successes and failures with the BAM community.
Guidance: BAM’s leaders are from all around the globe with expert advice to share on a huge range of topics in business, missions, and the life-transforming adventure of living the BAM calling.
Opportunities: Connecting individuals, businesses, churches, organizations, and networks from around the world, to learn from each other, seek opportunities and unite in their calling to use business for the great commission.
Learning: In-depth training, resources, tools, and field-based programs, designed to help start BAM’s diverse community along the path to launch, manage, evaluate and enhance their BAM strategy.
Transformation: BAM training facilitates the restoration of a biblical view of business, transforming hearts and lives, releasing every believing businessperson into the fullness of their calling.
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