Changing the World
Giving can be a lifestyle that overflows from a grateful heart. Pouring out in this way leads to the abundant life we were created to live. Being deeply rooted and desperate for the Gospel is essential to this kind of lifestyle. Not because of strict religious reasons… but because it shapes our world view and gives us a firm foundation!
God is everything, He says he is. He is mighty, just, in control, intentional and He is totally in love with us. And we are everything, He says we are. We have been embraced unconditionally with a love that looks beyond our faults and worst failures. Inside each of us is a divine investment. With a little nurturing and watering; we can be like a life-giving plant, enriching any environment we are placed in.
A Spiritual Super Power

Plants have the incredible ability to consume the poison this world omits and in return it produces fresh air and nourishing fruit. In the same way, as Christians, we find our roots firmly planted in God’s loving kindness and mercy. Above the ground, regardless of the situation, we find a supernatural fulfillment. We abide and produce spiritual fruit. Even what is meant for evil is turned for our good. This is our superpower!
Greater Things than Jesus
Are we truly a source of joy for the God of the universe? Is His forgiveness so real and complete that despite His omniscience there is no anger or judgement in Him towards me? Can we really make a difference and change the world?
Yes, and Amen! The presence of God’s incredible love demands a reply. This has nothing to with religious obligation. God does not need us, and good works are not a requirement to be worthy of His love. Yet, still we have been designed to do greater things than Jesus did when He was here on earth. As we live intentionally with the gospel close to our hearts, we will inevitable bless the world.
The best version of myself

You and I, alike, have been chosen. How will be respond? If I were to ask you what you can do to make the world a better place; my hope is that you would say “I’ll be the best version of myself.” By giving all of ourselves, we in a position to see darkness shrink back. God’s love becomes a personal, as it is alive and active both in and through us.