Ocean’s Edge | Embrace Life

Made in the image of God, YOU have a unique ability to be His reflection for the world to see.  No two people were created exactly alike so you will be a special blend of all the categories and will not fix 100% in any particular type.  Everything you see in this form is calculated in percentages so this serves to show which way you lean.  All types are equal, there is no best type just levels of maturity, ability and character.   We all have a special mix of abilities, spiritual gifts, passions and calling.  These, directed at bringing glory to God, are what defines your individual Destiny.   You were created to SHINE!  So allow him to polish, heal and use you in the special way in which you were created.

LOVE! We are all meant to function like members of a greater body (Eph 4, 1 Cor 12, Rom 12).    Studying and embracing God’s masterpiece will help you better understand Him, yourself and others.  As you better recognize your natural tendencies, traits and weaknesses you should also start to see your need for others that are not like you.   We are also meant to strive to being Christ-like which is above all LOVING.  This means that we should all consciously work for a healthy balance as we temper the extreme potential of your strengths and help to cultivate the strengths of others.   Let the world know who we are by our LOVE for one another.

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